
Let’s Do This

Right to Represent Agreement

This agreement is between Accu-Health LLC (the “Recruiter”) and you, the Candidate, to help you find a full-time job.

By signing this, you’re giving the Recruiter the exclusive right to represent you for job opportunities.

Here’s what the Recruiter agrees to:

  • To do their best to find a job matching your skills and qualifications.
  • To accept the listed salary of the Client’s income as provided on the Candidate Application form.
  • To actively represent you by reaching out to potential employers, sharing your resume, and targeting suitable job opportunities.

Here’s what you agree to:

  • To let the Recruiter handle all job-related inquiries, interviews, and meetings on your behalf and not pursue other job leads elsewhere during this time.
  • Not to contact any of the Recruiter’s clients directly for 6 months after the Recruiter supports you in your job search; unless you inform the Recruiter first.
  • Not to let any other recruiter or company represent you during this period.
  • To undergo a background check and drug test if a potential employer requires it.

By agreeing to these terms, we can work together to find the right opportunity for you!



Right To Represent Agreement
Your signature is required.